Monday, April 7, 2008

What's Lynchian?

When you wake up from a dream and the dream you woke up from is exactly what you woke up to and you turn around and everything fades to black and then there's a slow fuzzy fade in when you realize that you're still sleeping and you really never did wake up but still filmed the whole experience from inside your dream until the director yells cut but he doesn't yell cut so you just run out of tape and when you do run out of tape you look at your sleeping self and a door slams open then your awake self that's not really awake starts filming outside of your body but gets distracted by a person in a window that looks just like you and wonders into the film himself and then it fades to black again and then there's another slow and fuzzy fade in and he moves through the window back into your dream that's not a dream but really is then you wake up again but you don't and you're in a place you don't recognize but there are two beautiful women making out so you know it's a dream then your dream self bumps into you and the director finally yells cut but your awake self that's not really awake doesn't cut because the director is just another character in your film that's not really a film but maybe it is because you can't tell the difference anymore, that's Lynchian.

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